
STANLEY® Engineered Fastening is a division of Stanley® Black and Decker, which includes legacy businesses of Emhart Teknologies, Infastech, STANLEY® Assembly Technologies, Spiralock®, Fastener Innovation Technology and all brands associated with these businesses. The Engineered Fastening business includes such well-known brands as POP®, Heli-Coil®, Dodge®, Tucker®, Gripco®, Warren®, Masterfix®, Avdel®, and many more.

STANLEY® Engineered Fastening is a global leader in the design and creation of unique assembly technologies, delivering depth and breadth of service and product through a flexible, cross-functional global organization. Our successes are achieved and shared with our suppliers because we consider our suppliers to be an extension of our organization.

Through technology optimization, we have the ability to objectively match customer priorities, applications, and manufacturing environment with the most appropriate assembly technology and fastening systems. We expect our suppliers to be leaders in the product and service that they provide. Suppliers collaborate with our engineers to ensure cutting-edge materials, manufacturing processes, and latest advancements in product technology.

SupplyNET is a one-stop point of access for purchasing, performance, and development information for business measurables that are impacted by suppliers' performance. It provides customized access to suppliers regarding supply, performance, and supplier development; material specifications; all global purchasing contacts; our Supplier Manual; and more.

STANLEY® Engineered Fastening provides technological solutions in over 100 different countries. And for each of these countries and for every application we deliver innovative, integrated systems solutions from concept and design through system integration, worldwide. Our suppliers need to be capable of operating in a global marketplace and support multiple locations. They need to be aligned with our employees; they need to be adaptable to change and advancements in technologies; and they also need to be agile.